Monday, March 9, 2020

Effect of light on photo synthesis essays

Effect of light on photo synthesis essays In order for a plant to photosynthesise it will need three things, light, water and Carbon Dioxide. If there is a lack in any of these things the process of photosynthesis the plant will not photosynthesise properly. In this coursework I am going to look at the effects of light on photosynthesis and I am going to do this experiment by moving the source of light closer and closer to a certain type of plant and I am going to bring the light towards the plant 10cm at a time. I predict that by moving the source of light closer to the plant I would speed up the rate of photosynthesis in the plant. The chlorophyll uses light energy to perform photosynthesis. It can only do this as fast as the light energy is arriving. Chlorophyll actually only absorbs the red and blue ends of the visible light spectrum, but not the green light in the middle which is reflected back. This is why the plant looks green. Chlorophyll is an ENZYME in that it works the best when it is warm but not too hot. If the light level is raised, the rate of photosynthesis will increase steadily but only up to a certain point, beyond that it would not make any difference because then it will be either the temperature of the Carbon Dioxide level which is wrong and which is now the limiting factor. Conversely if the light level is too low, then changing the amount of Carbon Dioxide would not increase the rate raised to match the Carbon Dioxide level. The method of this experiment is not complicated. Cut a stem of Canadian pondweed of about 3cm in length. Fill a test-tube with pond water, and place it in a clamp, and then in a large beaker of cold water. Connect the end of the pondweed to the apparatus. Insert a thermometer into the beaker, and record the temperature at the beginning and end of each experiment, merely as a precaution against a ...

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